Build and Maintain a Valuable Personal Brand

Building and maintaining a valuable personal brand is crucial in advancing your career. As Jeff Bezos famously said, “Your personal brand is what people say when you’re not in the room.” This statement holds true because, just like any business, your reputation must be validated by others.

To help you build a strong personal brand, I developed a formula called SPEC:

S: Self-Awareness

Understanding how others perceive your actions, feelings, and thoughts is essential. During my internship, I was aware that my role was to add value to the team. I consistently demonstrated reliability and efficiency, ensuring that my contributions were recognized and appreciated. Self-awareness involves objectively interpreting your behavior and being mindful of how others view you.

P: Planning

Setting clear goals and making a plan to achieve them is the next step. During my internship, I communicated my goals to my mentors and colleagues, and I networked strategically to build relationships and gain opportunities. Having a well-thought-out plan helps you stay focused and take deliberate steps toward your objectives.

E: Education

Continuously pursuing knowledge is vital for personal and professional growth. During my internship, I made it a goal to learn every job at the television station. This comprehensive understanding of the industry not only broadened my skill set but also made me a more valuable team member. Education doesn’t end with formal schooling; it’s a lifelong commitment to learning and improving.

C: Consistency

Being reliable and consistent in demonstrating your qualities is key to building a strong personal brand. I consistently showed up on time, maintained a positive attitude, and performed my job well. Consistency builds trust and credibility, making others more likely to view you as dependable and capable.

By following the SPEC formula—Self-Awareness, Planning, Education, and Consistency—you can build and maintain a valuable personal brand. This framework will help you gain credibility in your industry, achieve your career goals, and ensure that your reputation is a true reflection of your skills and values. Remember, your personal brand is an ongoing project that requires attention and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

Michelle Enjoli believes in the power of the entrepreneurial mindset. She helps people uncover their unique value to authentically connect and own the responsibility for their growth and development. Her programs focus on career development, personal growth, and leadership development. To learn more about Michelle visit