How to Succeed in the 2nd Half of the Year

Ok, so your New Year’s Resolution fizzled out in…….February.

No worries at all because today is the day you make the most out of the rest of the year.

We often put a ton of emphasis on the goal and not the behavior and mental focus behind what we’re trying to achieve. We’re taking on too much, focused on too much, and we’re often spending our efforts into some sort of random hopeful push.

To paint a picture, imagine trying to go on a trip but you’re not quite sure where you’re going, you’re not quite sure where you’re starting from, you’re carrying 5 bags of stuff, and you’re exhausted before you even get going.

So, by focusing on some of the little details of what you can do to protect your success and maximize your energy, I’m sharing 6 behaviors to focus on for the rest of the year.


Pause and check in with yourself

Map out your current position in life and identify where you want to go by January. You MUST start by being honest where you’re at in life and be very specific about where you want to go. Most of us are swept up in the current of the day to day and don’t see the grander opportunity that comes with dedicated focus.


Create a Goal Map

You should focus this on 7 key areas: personal development, health, relationships, career/school, travel, fun, financial. What are the goals that you have in these specific areas and what are the steps you’re going to do to get there. Aligned with step 1, this will give you more peace of mind to figure out what success looks like for you and how you’re going to get there.


Purge the Unnecessary

We have become emotional hoarders of sorts. We acccumulate followers, habits, people, things, and other elements that weigh us down and/or get in our way. Now is the time to clear out the unnecessary to make room for efficiency and joy. Go through your social media lists and purge people that you don’t enjoy following or don’t want them following you. Clear out clothes, files, old photos, and/or organize your digital files so that you can find what you want when you need it. Even saving a few minutes a day goes a long way.


Plan Intentional Connections

Although we may be more connected as a society, we are also the most isolated and lonely that we’ve been in history. Between overstimulus from digital devices, we’re also working harder and are less intentional about connecting with others in a social or support frame of mind. Put phone calls, Zooms, and meetups on the calendar with at least 2 friends/loved ones per week and block that time as non-negotiable. Use that time to catch up, connect, and fill up each others positive energy.


Practice Versions of “No”

We take on too much in our lives because we say yes too much and we ignore the need to protect our energy and time. Why? Because we’re people pleasers. By figuring out what’s critical to your success and energy, you can start practicing saying things like:

“I don’t have time for that right now, but can we find time to talk later?”

“That’s a good idea, but I’d like to explore other options to just for comparison. Let’s set up time later this week.”

“I’m not available to do that.”

This may cause some of you some minor panic, but when done correctly and confidently, you won’t be putting off negative vibes, but more confident energy that you’re trying to focus on what you need to get done.


Block Self-Care Time on Your Calendar

Self-care is critical, I will stand by that all day long. Now, it doesn’t take all day long to do it either. In just 5 minutes minimum per day, you can lower your stress, increase your focus, tap in to your innovation, and raise your emotional intelligence by doing this like listen to music, meditate, go walk, or even just do nothing and let your mind wander (great for creative thought).

I’d like to offer you this free PDF of “50 Self-Care Activities in Under 5 Minutes” that will give you plenty of ideas to help you also invest in your own intentional self-care practice.


These Tips on the News

If you’d like to watch me talk about these methods on my recent news appearance, you can see them at