Jen Manly

Jen Manly

Jen Manly helps people avoid burnout through her action-oriented approach to purposeful productivity and empowered boundaries. With a focus on making work sustainable, she empowers audiences to take back their time and energy to do more of what they love without compromising their impact.


  • Professional & Staff  Development
  • Burnout Prevention
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Workplace Culture
  • Personal Growth
  • Leadership
  • Well-Being



Jen Manly

Jen believes that people deserve to do BIG, meaningful work while also prioritizing themselves. She is passionate about helping people maximize their productivity to make time for what is most important, all without compromising their impact. Jen discovered her passion for intentional work initially as a teacher, where she found herself on the brink of burnout less than three years into a profession that she loved. Through applying productivity science and clearly articulated boundaries, Jen learned that by prioritizing the most impactful work, she was able to better serve students while also prioritizing her needs, passions, and the people she loves.

Jen has spent nearly a decade in education, teaching computer science at the middle, high school, and college levels. She is an education pioneer, bringing student-centered learning to a new level with the implementation of agile project management in her classroom. She is a co-author of the Agile Educator Guide, a two-time national teaching excellence awardee, and has served on curriculum writing teams at the local, state, and national levels. Her work has been featured in Edutopia, ISTE, and Glamour Magazine.

Jen received her undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia and her Masters of Arts in STEM Education from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.


Chasing Impact

The old saying goes: do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Why is it then that so many passionate leaders burn out?

Through over 15 years of passion-centered work, ranging from leading her chapter’s sorority recruitment to non-profit experience and nearly a decade as a classroom teacher, Jen Manly intimately understands how doing work that matters can come at a price: your health and well-being.

Through her empowering keynote, Jen Manly challenges the notion that you have to do more to have a greater impact. Through her message of purposeful productivity, Jen shares a blend of actionable strategies grounded in productivity science, the importance of impact-focused prioritization, and real self-care that centers on setting boundaries and managing stress.
Participants will leave with immediately implementable strategies to take back their time and energy so that they can avoid burnout while increasing their impact.

  • Learn how to prioritize work based on impact
    Strategies to tackle the most impactful work first
  • Learn how to set boundaries with different stakeholders to prioritize well-being and self-care
  • Learn how to manage guilt and stress associated with cause-centered roles
  • Identify systems to streamline work and improve efficiency

You First

You know that stress, well, stresses you out, but do you know the impact it can have on your physical, mental, and emotional health? Ever been told to “just relax” or “practice self-care?”

What does that even mean?

At 21 years old, Jen Manly found herself in her campus health center with a really bad sunburn that just wouldn’t go away. A few hours later, she was diagnosed with Shingles and learned that the likely cause was excessive stress, brought on by a combination of sorority recruitment and an overload of classes. Over the next 14 years, Jen’s recurring shingles have served as a reminder to slow down and led her to challenge the expectation that passion-centered work has to happen at the expense of your own health and well-being.

This program dives deeper into the mental and physical impacts of prolonged stress and burnout. Participants will explore their own relationship with burnout and challenge the notion that they need to choose between work or themselves. Through actionable tools and strategies, audiences will leave with a plan to prioritize their needs while understanding that putting themselves first ultimately allows them to better serve.

  • Learn how burnout can negatively impact physical, mental, and emotional health
  • Learn the physical and mental signs of burnout
  • Learn how prioritizing personal well-being enhances both efficiency and effectiveness
  • Learn how to reclaim personal time for self-care, passions, and interests
  • Establish and maintain healthy boundaries between personal life and professional responsibilities

The Boundaries Blueprint

You’ve likely heard of setting boundaries in your personal life, but no one talks about how a lack of boundaries in organization, volunteer, or work commitments can leave you feeling stretched thin, overworked, and stressed. Sometimes, when you feel deeply connected to a cause, you continue to give because you believe in it or because you’re afraid of letting others down.

This keynote starts with exploring possible boundaries and, more importantly, how to define the relationship you want with your commitments. Jen Manly breaks down how to communicate the boundaries you’ve set and empowers audiences to let go of things outside of their control, including others’ reactions to newly articulated boundaries.

This keynote combines actionable takeaways, including articulated boundaries and strategies to communicate them, with a deeply empowering message of prioritizing your own needs without guilt. Audiences will leave with a blueprint for building boundaries don’t just benefit them, but are for the good of their cause, too.

  • Learn how overwork leads to stress and depletes energy
  • Learn how setting boundaries limits overwork while increasing your impact
  • Define the relationship you want with work in four different areas: time, communication, tasks, and emotions
  • Learn how to communicate boundaries with different stakeholders
  • Identify strategies for communicating when boundaries are met with resistance

Speaker Resources


EVERGREEN Speakers has created promotional templates to help promote your event with Jen. In this folder, you will find resources for social media and press photos that you can use for your event.
Review Promotional Materials


Below you will find logistical resources for the day of your event with Jen.
In-Person AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)