He’s Just Not That Into You: Employer Edition

2 out of every 3 employees aren’t engaged at work… they just aren’t that into you.

Many company leaders look stupid right now. They call their workplace a “family” and will tell you how happy their “team” is.

Yet, their partner in the relationship (their employees) are not engaged in the relationship (with the company). They are constantly browsing job listings and see no future at the organization… they just aren’t that into you.

American companies spend over $100 billion every year on employee engagement. And companies are losing an estimated $605 billion each year, due to disengagement.

So, why are most people not engaged at work? Here are a few ways the majority of companies treat their people:

  1. Companies treat employees like children, not adults. This treatment permeates through everything, from how they manage people to the leadership and development they provide them.
  2. Companies make little to no effort to connect the personal and professional goals of the employee with the mission of the organization. Therefore, employees’ work has no purpose, it’s just a job… which means they aren’t engaged.
  3. Employees are given no outlet to have safe, confidential conversations about their personal and professional growth. Employees are begging for it from their immediate supervisor, who is oftentimes incapable of conducting those conversations, because senior leadership never taught them how to have them and don’t practice it themselves.

There are plenty of additional examples, but you get the idea…. most people aren’t engaged in their work, because most companies create a horrible work environment.

That is a fact, not an opinion. They just aren’t that into you.


Tom Healy is passionate about helping organizations drive higher performance from their people. He believes everyone has incredible potential inside of us but it is worthless unless we discover it and use it. Through his interactive keynotes, he helps individuals and organizations reach their peak potential.