Tom Healy

Tom Healy

Tom Healy is passionate about helping organizations drive higher performance from their people.


  • Character Development
  • Employee Engagement
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership
  • Mentorship
  • Motivation & Inspiration
  • Peak Performance



Tom Healy

Tom Healy started his first business and his entrepreneurial spirit only grew. Over his professional career, Tom has founded three successful companies, published five books, developed online education used on over 100 college campuses, delivered over 1,000 presentations and helped hundreds of organizations execute faster. Tom has worked with a wide range of organizations, including SMBs, national non-profits, the United States Navy, the Harvard Medical School, and Fortune 500 companies


Winning with Young Talent

Generations Y and Z can be difficult, however the right ones can absolutely drive performance and profitability inside an organization. This workshop helps leaders understand all aspects of younger talent so they can attract and retain highly productive young talent. In this interactive session, participants will evaluate their organization, better understand younger talent and build a plan for specific ways they can win with younger talent. For many leaders, this is a way to turn a liability into a huge asset.

  • How high-performers are different than the rest of the workforce and what an A-player specifically looks like in your organization
  • How to attract A-players by designing job descriptions and roles that are appealing to them
  • How to craft an onboarding and ongoing development process that helps your people perform at a higher level while having the resources they need to succeed
  • The art and importance of designing a compensation package that high-performing people will love while also aligning with your organizations key performance metrics
  • How to provide coaching, rather than antiquated management tactics, in a way that quickly improves the performance of your talent while making them feel like they are receiving valued development in key areas of their professional growth
  • Creating retention mechanisms that help you retain your top talent for years instead of experiencing the pain and costs related to turnover
Ideal Audience:

This Program is Perfect For 

  • Leaders of organizations looking to attract and retain better people
  • Hiring managers who want high-performers in their organization

Creating a Coaching Culture to Drive Higher Performance

Leading people has never been harder. Key employees inside organizations are demanding more growth opportunities and want them customized to their unique issues. Providing generalized learning and development no longer moves the needle. The best way to drive higher performance from your people in today’s environment is by building a coaching culture. Participants will understand how a coaching culture drives execution, improves the performance of the company, and makes it a highly desirable place to work.

  • How to separate managing from coaching and why that matters
  • How to conduct coaching sessions that maximize performance
  • Creating a specific coaching cadence inside your organization
  • How to either identify and develop internal coaches or outsource coaching to an outside firm
  • Properly measuring the results and impact that coaching has inside your organization
Ideal Audience:

This Program is Perfect For 

  • CEOs who want to shift the culture of their organization
  • C-Suite executives interested in a results-oriented culture 

Fully-Customized Strategic Planning Session

Tom Healy will spend a half or full day with your leadership team to develop a meaningful strategic plan for your organization. Everything about this experience is fully customized so that you gain the clarity and plan needed to execute moving forward. Tom has done strategic planning for organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies and has a deep passion for these sessions and the results they produce. Following the session, Tom will provide you with a document outlining the plan that was developed, the goals that were established and the specific objectives that need to be completed to ensure this session has a significant ROI.

Ideal Audience:

This Program is Perfect For 

  • Company Leadership who want to develop a strategic plan

Speaker Resources


To help you promote your event with Tom, EVERGREEN has created promotional templates. In this folder, you will find resources for social media and press photos that you can use for your event.
Review Promotional Materials


Below you will find logistical resources for the day of your event with Tom.
In-Person AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)