Brittany Piper

Brittany Piper

Brittany Piper overcame one of the most horrific events any of us could imagine. Now as a leading national expert on sexual violence and prevention, and a trauma trained practitioner—Brittany uses her story of adversity, resilience and triumph to empower and inspire audiences to take brave action in their own lives and communities.


  • Resiliency
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Violence
  • Wellness
  • Women’s Leadership
  • Workplace Culture


Brittany Piper

Brittany Piper is an international activist, speaker and healing coach— cultivating 400+ programs spanning 10 years and 3 continents. Her work has been recognized by The United States Army, the Laura Bush Institute of Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Elite Daily + more. She is a rape survivor and leading national expert and advocate on sexual violence prevention and recovery—speaking to tens of thousands of audience members each year. She is also a forensic neurobiology expert— conducting dozens of trauma-informed trainings and programs with the United States Army and Sex Crimes Detectives annually. Lastly, she is trauma-informed life coach, and the creator of The Healing Hub—a diverse Trauma-Informed membership platform that offers Life Coaching, somatic tools, safe connection, and compassionate community.

“If we can harness our hardships with the intent to grow through what we go through…we can do amazing things.”

– Brittany Piper


Rape Culture: A Survivor’s Perspective

Brittany Piper was 20 years old when she was brutally assaulted by a man pretending to be a good samaritan. Now twelve years later, she refuses to keep silent as she gently unravels this sensitive topic with audiences.

As a survivor and women’s studies scholar, with extensive work in local and international organizations (including Rape Crisis Centers in conflict countries): Brittany is able to use her unique perspective as a survivor AND leading violent crimes expert, to compassionately welcome audiences into the conversation— allowing an inclusive culture for all voices, and a deeper understanding of this pervasive issue.

Her program highlights: consent, rape culture & rape myths, safe and effective ways to directly or indirectly intervene as an active bystander, empathy-based prevention & response, community responsibility, the forensic neurobiology of trauma, tonic immobility, supporting survivors in their recoveries, and the healing process for survivors. Her powerful story, blended with compelling research, interactive elements, and a non-judgmental and healthy dialogue about sexual violence —grant the space to uproot and challenge the toxic cultures that keep sexual violence prevalent. Audiences leave feeling empowered and inspired to not only be a part of the conversation, but also a part of the solution.

  • What consent looks like, especially when alcohol and other substances are involved.
  • How to address the community’s involvement in rape culture through such concepts as: victim-blaming, rape myths, and more.
  • Ability to identify potentially dangerous situations.
  • Safe and effective ways to directly or indirectly intervene as an active bystander.
  • The physical, mental and emotional impact that sexual violence can have on an individual.
  • How to support peers who have experienced sexual violence.

From Hardship to Leadership: Post Traumatic Growth

Brittany’s world was turned upside down with the sudden death of her brother. Heartbroken, she surrendered to alcohol dependency. Five years later, she was brutally raped and beaten by a stranger. Again, her pain consumed her, until she hit rock bottom. She had to make a choice: continue on the path of self-destruction or salvage the beauty from her brokenness. She chose the latter, picking herself up with resilience and a newfound appreciation for the purpose in her pain. It was then that she found that life’s overarching mission, to forge connectedness and be of service to others, was far greater than any adversity standing in her way.

In this session, Brittany will illustrate that when we choose to salvage our suffering through strength and empathy, we can also become a beacon of hope and support for those still lost in the dark. Combining raw and relatable stories, actionable advice, and compelling research, this experience will empower audiences to take brave action in their own lives.

  • how to recognize and challenge the cultural stigmas and misconceptions surrounding mental health, addiction, eating disorders, and the countless other ways that trauma “lives out loud.”
  • when acknowledging adversity: shame promotes opposition in our lives, whereas empathy promotes opportunity.
  • our deepest pain can be the seed to our greatest purpose.
  • pain is universal, we have a choice to seek joy and compassion over bitterness and self-pity.
  • the 3-step process to “purposing your pain.”

Trauma Basics for a Trauma Informed World

We’re living in a world in which we’re more connected than ever, but statistically the loneliest we’ve ever been. A world that is constantly forcing us into tiny boxes of positivity, perfection, and productivity. A world that is plagued by polarization and division and violence. A world where hurt people hurt people. And although there’s no excuse, perhaps there’s an explanation. Trauma.

Bottom line—the time could not be more crucial to talk about the root causes of our issues, not just the symptoms. With over 70% of us experiencing trauma at some point in our lives, most of us are likely either survivors ourselves, or know one closely.

It’s time to normalize raw, vulnerable and honest conversations about the silent pain we carry with us. How does it impact us—on a physiological, emotional and mental level? How does that effect our thoughts and behaviors and the ways we show up in the world? Trauma recovery expert and Somatic Practitioner, Brittany Piper, wants to share with you the science of trauma. Why we are the way we are. Why we’re not broken. Why we make complete sense. And how we can begin to move forward.


  • Understanding the science behind trauma: how it’s experienced, stored and relived
  • The hidden and not-so-hidden symptoms of trauma
  • A healing toolkit to start moving forward in compassion, joy, hope and resilience
  • What it means to live in a more trauma informed world
  • How to support survivors in their recoveries

Speaker Resources


To help you promote your event with Brittany, EVERGREEN has created promotional templates. In this folder, you will find resources for social media and press photos that you can use for your event.
Review Promotional Materials


Below you will find logistical resources for the day of your event with Brittany.
In-Person AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)

Brittany was such an excellent speaker – I really cannot say enough. I had people come up to me saying she’s the best speaker we’ve ever had here. She was honest, vulnerable, and engaging. People felt her story because she feels her story – and her message was extremely impactful. I am so grateful to Brittany for coming to speak to our employees today.

— Erin Merritt

MRI Global