Alexa Carlin

Alexa Rose Carlin

Alexa Rose Carlin is on a mission to make a difference in at least one person’s life every single day. Through her authentic energy and impactful stories, Alexa empowers audiences to push through obstacles, develop a positive mindset, and build unwavering courage and confidence.

Alexa Carlin Adaptable Book


  • Character Development
  • Confidence
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Motivation & Inspiration
  • Resiliency
  • Storytelling
  • Women’s Leadership

Alexa Rose Carlin

Alexa Carlin is an in-demand public speaker, best-selling author of Adaptable, TV personality, and founder & CEO of Women Empower X (WEX), the premier community for women entrepreneurs. Alexa uses her infectious energy and courageous spirit to empower women to turn their obstacles into opportunities and pursue their dreams.

Genuine by nature, caring at heart, and always inspirational, Alexa’s vulnerability allows her to authentically connect with diverse women around the world, helping them understand the true potential they hold. Her company, Women Empower X, helps women live a better life through programs and events focused on personal and professional growth.

Alexa Carlin has worked with Fortune Global 500 brands to create captivating and relatable content and has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network, Cheddar TV, FOX, ABC, CBS, TEDx and in Entrepreneur, Glamour Magazine, and Forbes among others. From a one percent chance to live to now on a mission to make a difference in one person’s life a day, Alexa is creating ripple effects of change for women everywhere. Alexa resides in Raleigh, NC.




Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities

You have a goal in mind, an idea you’re passionate about, a job to do in your organization, but now what? Where do you start? How do you overcome daily obstacles from performing well in school, being involved, making an impact and having a social life?

There will always be obstacles and challenges that come our way and for our entire lives we are taught on how to “overcome obstacles”, but Alexa has found a better solution. In this impactful keynote Alexa not only empowers participants to get started, but she challenges their way of thinking and provides actionable tools and steps to turn any idea into reality- regardless of the obstacles they face.

Our obstacles can do one of two things, they can either stop us or propel us- Alexa wants to ensure you choose the latter. Audiences will learn the framework on how to push through challenges, develop a positive mindset, and create a customized action plan to achieve any goal whether that’s planning a fundraiser for their organization, getting the job of their dreams, or pursuing an entrepreneurial idea.

  • The three elements to push through obstacles and challenges.
  • How to develop a positive and healthy mindset for growth.
  • How a perception of circumstances often dictates reality.
  • How to identify their strengths and challenge their way of thinking.
  • How limiting-beliefs influence academic and extra-curricular choices and how to switch those beliefs to positive ones.
  • How to focus and create an action plan for success.
  • The importance of focusing on meaningful work and making an impact in the lives of their peers and their community.
  • How to feel empowered to turn their passion into purpose.
  • The importance of their own stories and why we need to share those stories with others.


Ideal Audience:

This Program is Perfect For:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Managers
  • Women in Business 
  • Leaders & Teams

The Confidence Spectrum

Let’s be honest, being confident is hard. Think back to the last time you felt most confident. What were you doing, who were you with, what do you think impacted your level of confidence?

In today’s society, it’s so easy to fall into the comparison mindset. Women are inundated with messages and the pressure to be perfect that it can become paralyzing and create an unhealthy competitive environment.

As the Founder of the largest event for female entrepreneurs and change leaders, Alexa has discovered that the key to success is empowering women to collaborate versus compete. In order to achieve this participants must first develop their own self-confidence and understand their worth.

In this empowering and inspiring keynote,  Alexa helps participants connect and collaborate while offering tools to develop their own self-confidence, learning how to break through the fear holding them back from becoming an authentic leader.

  • Strategies on how to build unwavering confidence.
  • How to identify when they feel most confident and how they can build upon it when put in new situations.
  • How to overcome the need for outside validation.
  • Techniques to break through the fear of judgment, failure, and feeling unworthy.
  • How to create an inclusive and supportive community.
  • Why women need to support one another and how collaboration drives positive change.
  • The importance of vulnerability and how to practice it.
  • How to create stronger relationships and the importance of building real connections in their personal and professional life.
Ideal Audience:

This Program is Perfect For:

  • Salespeople
  • Managers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Entry-level training
  • Leaders & Teams

Unknown to Unforgettable

Keynote Description: Your authenticity is your point of differentiation, so why is everyone trying so hard to follow the trends? In this talk Alexa will dive into what it takes to not only rise above the noise online, but help take your brand from unknown to unforgettable by being who you are. The world of content creation can get tough, from imposter syndrome to comparisonitis, how can creators find the resilience to keep going without losing their own voice?

After a near-death experience gave Alexa a one-percent chance to live and left her with a chronic illness, she discovered the more she shared her vulnerabilities, the more her following grew. In this engaging, inspiring and thought provoking talk, Alexa will empower you with the courage and confidence to share not just what you do, but WHO you are with the world.

  • How to make your business & brand relatable 
  • Top marketing strategies to grow your business.
  • How businesses can keep up with the rapid changing environment of marketing & advertising.
  • How to gain the confidence to share your story. 
  • How to create an authentic connection with your ideal customer.
  • The top strategies to position your business as a leader in your industry. 


Ideal Audience:

This Program is Perfect For 

  • Managers
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Leaders & Teams

Speaker Resources


To help you promote your event with Alexa, EVERGREEN has created promotional templates you can use. In this folder, you will find resources for social media, and press photos you can use for your event.
Review Promotional Materials


Below you will find logistical resources for the day of your event with Alexa.
In-Person AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)