Ben Hoyer

Ben Hoyer

A life you like doesn’t happen by accident. We build it with hundreds of small choices. Leadership doesn’t happen by accident either, it takes ethics, values, and personal conviction. Some time ago, Ben Hoyer began to live his life by a philosophy driven by meaning, impact and community.


  • Character Development
  • Creativity
  • Ethics & Values
  • Leadership
  • Organizational Development
  • Servant Leadership
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Sustainability




Ben Hoyer is a social entrepreneur committed to improving quality of lives by cultivating networks of meaning, impact and community. That commitment has led him to founding roles in Downtown CREDO (a coffee Benefit Corporation),  CREDO Conduit (and inter-disciplinary co-working space) and Rally (a social enterprise accelerator).

Through those organizations Ben has traveled to remote regions of Central America to build direct-trade relationships with small scale coffee growers and learned to make great coffee. He has built diverse friendships in Orlando, advocated for the diminution of racial divides in his hometown, raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for good causes, mentored social entrepreneurs to accelerate the growth of their businesses and learned the importance of leading from deep conviction.

Ben is gratefully married to Megan and the happy father of three great kids. They proudly live in Orlando Florida and root for the Gators.


What’s your CREDO?

Ben Hoyer is a storyteller.  In this program, Ben tells the story of how he came to create his own personal CREDO and how it has changed his life and those around him. His journey led him to open four “name your price” coffee shops, Downtown CREDO, which were inspired by Ben’s values and commitment to inspire others towards the pursuit of meaning, impact, and community.

After hearing Ben’s story, participants will then be challenged to consider their own values and beliefs to create their own CREDO.

This keynote is perfect for an organization looking for a new way to reflect on its values and renew its commitment to their mission.

  • the importance of identifying their personal core values,
  • how to take action on personal values, and
  • how their small daily actions can make an impact on a global level.

Leading with Conviction

Great leaders are not magicians skillfully wielding tricks and techniques to manipulate people into following them. Great leaders are people of passion who’ve uncovered personal convictions, connected it to tangible action and are willing to go first. This is true of leadership in any sphere: fraternal, professional and among friends.

Almost ten years ago, in a moment of clarity, Ben committed to uncovering the sort of conviction that would move him to action. Eventually, that took shape in his credo.

In this presentation you’ll hear the story of that credo and how it instigated a journey from Orlando to the rugged mountains of Guatemala and back again. You’ll hear about how it propelled Ben to start regular trash clean ups in his neighborhood, to start, own and operate four name-your-price coffee shops along with a coffee roaster, even to launch a social enterprise accelerator and a co-working space. But most of all you’ll be challenged to consider what your core-conviction is and how you are connecting that conviction to action.

  • Understand a simple process to pinpoint their own key values.
  • Learn the importance of acting on those values.
  • Learn strategies for connecting their values to organizational goals, and
  • Learn where great coffee comes from (of course)

Consumerism to Solve Problems

Having started a social enterprise almost by accident, Ben shares the story of downtown CREDO and how it gave birth to Rally: the social enterprise accelerator. It’s in the course of that adventure that he discovered the power of consumerism to address real social, economic and environmental problems. Ben launched a coffee shop without a business plan or any barista experience because he believed coffee could demonstrate how small choices can move us toward becoming people of impact. He learned that when you’re able to marry your passion to address problems with a value proposition and a market you can create companies that make money and accomplish good in the world. As you’re planning your major or planning your career, Ben’s stories will remind you that it’s worth considering your own credo. It will be your best compass for life.

  • what a social enterprise is,
  • the basic principles in starting a social enterprise, and
  • be challenged to consider their future in light of their potential impact.

Speaker Resources


To help you promote your event with Ben, EVERGREEN has created promotional templates. In this folder, you will find resources for social media and press photos that you can use for your event.
Review Promotional Materials


Below you will find logistical resources for the day of your event with Ben.
In-Person AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)