Eric Rodriguez

Eric J. Rodriguez

Eric J. Rodriguez believes in continuous reinvention. To prepare for the new era of tomorrow, students must learn how to adapt to changing environments, expand their skills and evolve their perspectives.


  • Communication
  • Employee Engagement
  • Innovation
  • Latinx Focused
  • Leadership
  • Mentorship
  • Organizational Development
  • Workplace Culture




When Eric J . Rodriguez was just eleven years old, his family made the life-changing move from Houston to Ecuador. The stark contrast in wealth and poverty was a culture shock for young Eric, and he quickly realized the power of education in helping to bridge this gap.

It wasn’t until he was in seventh grade that Eric’s perspective on what was possible truly began to take shape. His school, El Colegio Javier, opened its first computer lab and Eric’s class was the first to use it. In just minutes, the students were connected to the rest of the world. This experience ignited Eric’s passion for technology and its potential to shape the future.

Since then, Eric has become a leader in the technology sector, collaborating with organizations such as Aguila Youth, SHPE, Prospanica, Intel Foundation, and INROADS. Eric holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Houston and an MBA from Loyola University in New Orleans.

In this era of constant change and disruption, Eric hopes to prepare his audiences to leave with an empowered perspective of the impact they can make.


Eric Rodriguez’s Keynotes can be presented in English & Spanish

The Future of Human Experience

“The Future of Human Experience” delves into the intrinsic relationship between technology and human essence, highlighting how our digital tools are extensions of our human capabilities. In this keynote, Eric J Rodriguez challenges the conventional view of technology as separate from humanity, illustrating instead how it enhances and extends our ability to connect, understand, and impact the world around us.

Eric’s transformative journey from Ecuador to the forefront of the tech industry offers corporate audiences a unique perspective on harnessing technology for business success and societal impact. With a career spanning engineering, human resources, and strategic leadership, Eric reveals enlightening perspectives on how technology, when thoughtfully integrated, can foster deeper human connections and a more inclusive workplace.

Eric’s extensive experience uniquely positions him to offer essential insights on using technology to enhance the human experience in corporate environments. His message goes beyond the hardware and software, showing how these tools can serve deeper human needs and values, ultimately driving business success.

Corporate leaders and teams will leave with an empowered view of the digital future, seeing technology as a natural extension of human interaction and creativity. Eric’s message inspires a vision of a world where technology is used consciously to deepen human connections and enrich our collective experience, ensuring that businesses harness digital advancements to foster a truly human-centric and innovative future.

  • Learn about the rapid change occurring in all areas of personal and professional life.
  • Learn how to embrace disruption as an opportunity to extend the human aspects in their areas.
  • Understand a framework to help attendees see how humans can thrive as the world evolves exponentially.
  • Learn how to take action, leverage opportunities, and create positive impacts.
  • Companies managing rapid change in their markets
  • Organizations focused on retention and growth of employees
  • Teams thriving to lead the change in their companies

Your Legacy Is Now

“Your Legacy is NOW” transforms the concept of legacy from a distant goal into a daily practice of impactful actions. Eric J Rodriguez illustrates how every professional decision can contribute to a legacy that resonates with purpose and impacts the community.

Eric’s life, from founding significant organizations to leading initiatives across multiple sectors, exemplifies the power of intentional actions in building a meaningful legacy. His journey shows how integrating one’s values into their career not only builds a personal brand but also establishes a legacy that influences and inspires within and beyond professional boundaries.

Through this keynote, Eric shares illuminating examples of the small yet powerful actions that shape our legacies. His experiences reveal how even routine business decisions can contribute to a larger, impactful narrative.

Corporate leaders and teams will gain a refreshed understanding of legacy as something crafted daily through decisions and interactions. Equipped with strategies from Eric’s own experiences, participants will be encouraged to actively shape their legacies, ensuring their professional lives are aligned in making a lasting, positive impact. Eric’s insights will empower them to leave a legacy of purpose, innovation, and human connection, driving both personal and organizational success.

  • Understand the significance of Employee Resource Groups in shaping leadership skills and positively impacting the company. Learn how these groups foster diversity, inclusivity, and innovation.
  • Discover effective strategies to encourage colleagues and team members to participate actively in company initiatives and Employee Resource Groups.
  • Empower individuals to take ownership of their roles in shaping a better organizational culture, driving a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
  • Recognize the potential long-term consequences of everyday actions and decisions within the organization and how they contribute to its growth and success.
  • Understand the profound connection between leaving a legacy and personal growth, fostering fulfillment in both professional and personal spheres.
  • Corporate Leaders and Executives
  • Professionals across all industries and career stages
  • Employee Resource Group Members and Leaders

Speaker Resources


To help you promote your event with Eric, EVERGREEN has created promotional templates. In this folder, you will find resources for social media and press photos that you can use for your event.
Review Promotional Materials


Below you will find logistical resources for the day of your event with Eric.
In-Person AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)