Stephanie Simpson

Stephanie Simpson

Stephanie Simpson empowers individuals to ignite their inner leader, build resilience, and thrive under pressure. Using compelling storytelling and research-backed techniques, she helps people develop deeper self-understanding and meaningful connections with others and the world around them.


  • Peak Performance
  • Mental Health
  • Leadership
  • Burnout Prevention



Stephanie Simpson

Stephanie Simpson is an artist, coach, educator, and author of the “21-Day Stress Management Workbook: A Holistic, Interactive Guide to Re-Defining Your Relationship to Stress.” She combines her expertise in movement, mindfulness, trauma-informed practices, and psychology to partner with individuals, businesses, and organizations, helping them reach their highest potential. In addition, Stephanie assists clients in clarifying their purpose and aligning it with their goals, fostering courageous and fulfilling lives. She creates trauma-informed, human-centric communities and workplace cultures that prioritize employee wellness and sustainability.

As an ICF-certified professional coach, Stephanie holds a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from Emerson College, an MFA in Dance Performance/Choreography from Smith College, and an MA in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis on Spirituality, Mind, Body, and Organizational Change from Columbia University, Teachers College. Her research focuses on fear and stress management, conscious leadership, group development, peak performance, and creativity/innovation.

Storytelling is central to Stephanie’s approach, rooted in her arts background. She believes in the power of sharing and listening to each other’s stories openly and authentically to build connections. Through her programs, Stephanie weaves personal stories with research and practical tools, ensuring participants leave feeling empowered and knowing they are not alone.


From 0-26.2: Moving Towards Your Goals One Step at a Time

Have you ever had a vision for yourself or your team that seems too big and too far out? And even though the vision excites you, it also overwhelms you to the point that you don’t know where or how to start – leaving you feeling lost, frustrated, paralyzed, or even defeated before you begin. Change management, working towards your goals, and building your vision is a marathon, not a sprint and it starts with taking a single step forward.

For Stephanie Simpson, her goal wasn’t just a metaphoric marathon, it was a literal marathon. Using her inspiring journey from struggling to jog a few blocks to completing the NYC Marathon in just one year she empowers others to take the first steps toward achieving their dreams and goals, no matter how daunting they may seem.

Stephanie’s keynote is not just about running; it’s about unlocking your full potential and transforming your aspirations into reality. Stephanie shares the invaluable lessons she learned throughout her marathon training that have supported her in every aspect of her life, including launching her own successful business. Her journey will inspire participants to embark on their path to success whether that is individually or within a team, armed with practical tools and a renewed sense of determination.

  • What “self-talk” is and tools on how to navigate their inner dialogue to build confidence.
  • How to execute a change management program through effective goal-setting
  • The importance of identifying obstacles + challenges
  • Tools to navigate setbacks and build resilience
  • Ways to create buy-in and sustain motivation and engagement

Shifting the Stress Mindset

“I’m so stressed and overwhelmed; I feel like I’m being pulled in so many directions; I’m frustrated; I’m tired; I feel burnt out. “ Sound familiar? You are not alone!

Many people perceive stress as a negative experience, but what if we reframe stress as a positive force? Consider the idea that stress is essential for living a satisfying and fulfilling life. Fear initiates a stress response, but by altering our relationship with fear, we can transform our relationship with stress. Instead of being an adversary, stress can become an ally, empowering us to take control and become the protagonists in our own lives.

As a former professional performer turned entrepreneur and recovering perfectionist, Stephanie Simpson is no stranger to fear and stress. In this keynote, Stephanie shares personal stories that led her to burnout and feeling powerless while offering tools and resources that are rooted in positive psychology and mindfulness that people can integrate into their own lives.

  • The Three S’s of Stress and how to identify them in their own lives
  • The four components of a comprehensive stress management practice
  • The difference between eustress and distress
  • The relationship between stress and peak performance
  • Tools to shift their relationship with stress and foster overall wellness

Conscious Leadership: Unlocking the Potential of Others and Yourself

Imagine this: you’ve spent hours preparing for a big client pitch, but moments before your presentation, your mind goes blank. Or just before a big deadline, your team hits an obstacle and starts to fall apart. Whether it’s in the boardroom, in a pitch meeting, or working on a team, peak performance is 90% mental and only 10% physical. Building a strong mental game is essential for being a conscious leader, achieving peak performance, and creating sustainable productivity. When you ignite your inner leader and align your mind to work with you rather than against you, magic happens!

Conscious leadership involves a deep awareness of self combined with an awareness and understanding of others in order to empower and support them in being their best selves. Conscious leaders focus on “power with” and creating an environment of “we” instead of “me.” In a culture that is constantly asking more from us, being a conscious leader not only unlocks your potential but also the potential of others.

In “Conscious Leadership: Unlocking the Potential of Others and Yourself,” former WNBA dancer and professional musical theater artist turned entrepreneur Stephanie Simpson shares her journey of overcoming imposter syndrome, fear, and anxiety. Through engaging stories, she illustrates how the Core Energy Leadership Framework helps participants make life-changing decisions, lead successful teams, and harness mental resilience to unlock peak performance potential.

  • Learn Conscious Leadership and its importance in creating healthy, sustainable workplace cultures and communities.
  • Learn the importance of the mind/body connection and its relationship to stress and peak performance
  • Learn the key attributes of the 7 levels of energy from the Core Energy Leadership Framework
  • Learn communication tools to enhance  your emotional intelligence, navigate conflict, and develop stronger relationships

Speaker Resources


EVERGREEN Speakers has created promotional templates to help promote your event with Stephanie. In this folder, you will find resources for social media and press photos that you can use for your event.
Review Promotional Materials


Below you will find logistical resources for the day of your event with Stephanie

In-Person AV Needs (PDF)
Speaking Introduction (PDF)